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July 2021 Product Update

The DocJuris team is constantly working behind the scenes to improve our product and make it more accessible to our users. In July 2021, our improvements will ensure your team can redline and review contracts more seamlessly than ever. Check them out!

July 2021 Product Update
Written by
Product Team

New in July 2021: Comparison Up-Front, Playbook Re-ordering, and Editor Improvements

This month, we’re excited to announce the release of an upgrade that addresses the number one feature request we receive—up-front contract comparison.

Here’s what to expect from the new comparison up-front feature, along with two other features designed to save you time and money every time you need to negotiate a contract.

Comparison Up-Front

You asked, and we listened!

With this new feature, you can compare two features up-front to generate a first and second “turn” automatically. Use this feature in DocJuris when analyzing new contracts against user-defined playbooks and relevant past redlines.

This type of contract comparison offers several benefits.

First, contract comparisons can ensure nothing was snuck in after a contract was signed and verify the changes a counterparty has made, even with track changes off. 

With up-front comparison, you can also more readily identify the differences between past agreements and the current one in instances when the content is kept mostly the same.

Finally, use comparisons to keep your negotiations on track by having a clear, concise view of what’s open and what’s closed so you only focus on the parts that need your attention.

The time and risk saving comparison up-front feature works when comparing signed PDFs against Word docs and vice versa.

Counterparty Positions Re-Ordering

When working with a third party, it can be helpful to set a distinct order on the positions in your playbook for prioritizing and ordering based on a negotiation, such as first and second fallback. 

With this new feature, you can organize counterparty positions by ordering them in more practical ways when you need to modify an issue in the playbook editor. Playbook position re-ordering allows for a logical approach to a negotiation focused on turns and empowers the prioritization of alternate positions for different scenarios.

Editorial Improvements

Along with process improvements, our team has been hard at work creating editorial improvements that will enhance your experience using DocJuris software. These include the following:

  • Better comparison output with tables
  • Improved spelling suggestion actions
  • Enhanced outline style and numbering compatibility
  • Clearer option to rename contract filenames on upload
  • Faster counterparty switching when filtering past redlines
  • Improved playbook assistant documents, including right-click copy and paste
  • Unedited contracts containing incoming markups can be exported with the “All Edits” option

Try These New DocJuris Features Today

We want to create software that helps you mitigate risk while saving time and money with every contract negotiation. If you’re already using DocJuris, let us know what you think of these new features! If you haven’t tried our software yet, now’s the perfect time to get started

Schedule a demo today to see how these and all of our features can help your team become more efficient at contract negotiations and review.

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✅ Contract review from 8 weeks to 5 minutes
✅ Mitigate risk faster with dynamic playbooks
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